Chris Chapman and Elea McDonnell Feit
September 2016
Chapter 11: Segmentation - Clustering and Classification
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Segmentation is a process of finding groups of customers who are similar to one another, are different from other groups, and exhibit differences that are important for the business.
There is no magic method to solve all three of those requirements simultaneously.
Segmentation requires trying multiple methods and evaluating the results to determine whether they are useful for the business question.
It often occurs that the statistically “best” segmentation is difficult to understand in the business context. A model that is statistically “not as strong” – but is clear and actionable – may be a preferable result.
In this chapter, we give an overview of methods to demonstrate some common approaches.
Clustering is the process of finding groups inside data. Key problems include:
Classification is the process of assigning observations (e.g., customers) to known categories (segments, clusters). Some important concerns are:
seg.raw <- read.csv("")
seg.df <- seg.raw[ , -7] # remove the known segment assignments
age gender income kids ownHome
Min. :19.26 Female:157 Min. : -5183 Min. :0.00 ownNo :159
1st Qu.:33.01 Male :143 1st Qu.: 39656 1st Qu.:0.00 ownYes:141
Median :39.49 Median : 52014 Median :1.00
Mean :41.20 Mean : 50937 Mean :1.27
3rd Qu.:47.90 3rd Qu.: 61403 3rd Qu.:2.00
Max. :80.49 Max. :114278 Max. :7.00
subNo :260
subYes: 40
We create a simple function to look at mean values by group. (This is a placeholder for a more complex evaluation of an interpretable business outcome.)
seg.summ <- function(data, groups) {
aggregate(data, list(groups), function(x) mean(as.numeric(x)))
seg.summ(seg.df, seg.raw$Segment)
Group.1 age gender income kids ownHome subscribe
1 Moving up 36.33114 1.30 53090.97 1.914286 1.328571 1.200
2 Suburb mix 39.92815 1.52 55033.82 1.920000 1.480000 1.060
3 Travelers 57.87088 1.50 62213.94 0.000000 1.750000 1.125
4 Urban hip 23.88459 1.60 21681.93 1.100000 1.200000 1.200
Clustering methods work by looking at some measure of the distance between observations. They try to find groups whose members are close to one another (and far from others).
A common metric is Euclidian distance, the root square of differences. Manually we could compute:
c(1,2,3) - c(2,3,2)
[1] -1 -1 1
sum((c(1,2,3) - c(2,3,2))^2)
[1] 3
sqrt(sum((c(1,2,3) - c(2,3,2))^2))
[1] 1.732051
Note that distance is between observations, and the result is a matrix of distances between all pairs (in this case, just one pair).
computes Euclidian distance:
sqrt(sum((c(1,2,3) - c(2,3,2))^2))
[1] 1.732051
dist(rbind(c(1,2,3), c(2,3,2)))
2 1.732051
In case of mixed data types (e.g., continuous, binary, ordinal), dist()
may not be appropriate because of the huge implied scale differences. daisy()
is an alternative that automatically rescales.
seg.dist <- daisy(seg.df) # daisy works with mixed data types
as.matrix(seg.dist)[1:4, 1:4] # distances of first 4 observations
1 2 3 4
1 0.0000000 0.2532815 0.2329028 0.2617250
2 0.2532815 0.0000000 0.0679978 0.4129493
3 0.2329028 0.0679978 0.0000000 0.4246012
4 0.2617250 0.4129493 0.4246012 0.0000000
Hierarchical clustering combines closest neighbors (defined in various ways) into progressively larger groups. In R, we first compute distances (previous slide) and then cluster those:
seg.hc <- hclust(seg.dist, method="complete")
Plot the result to see a tree of the solution:
We can cut the tree at a particular height and plot above or below. In this case, we cut at a height of 0.5
. Then we plot the first ($lower[[1]]
) of the resulting trees below that:
plot(cut(as.dendrogram(seg.hc), h=0.5)$lower[[1]])
From the previous tree, we select observations from close and far branches:
seg.df[c(101, 107), ] # similar
age gender income kids ownHome subscribe
101 24.73796 Male 18457.85 1 ownNo subYes
107 23.19013 Male 17510.28 1 ownNo subYes
seg.df[c(278, 294), ] # similar
age gender income kids ownHome subscribe
278 36.23860 Female 46540.88 1 ownNo subYes
294 35.79961 Female 52352.69 1 ownNo subYes
seg.df[c(173, 141), ] # less similar
age gender income kids ownHome subscribe
173 64.70641 Male 45517.15 0 ownNo subYes
141 25.17703 Female 20125.80 2 ownNo subYes
The cophenetic correlation coefficient is a measure of how well the clustering model (expressed in the dendrogram) reflects the distance matrix.
cor(cophenetic(seg.hc), seg.dist)
[1] 0.7682436
To get K groups, read from the top of the dendrogram until there are K branches.
shows where the tree would be cut for K groups:
rect.hclust(seg.hc, k=4, border="red")
Get a vector of class (cluster) assignment:
seg.hc.segment <- cutree(seg.hc, k=4) # membership vector for 4 groups
1 2 3 4
124 136 18 22
Compare them with our quick function:
seg.summ(seg.df, seg.hc.segment)
Group.1 age gender income kids ownHome subscribe
1 1 40.78456 2.000000 49454.08 1.314516 1.467742 1
2 2 42.03492 1.000000 53759.62 1.235294 1.477941 1
3 3 44.31194 1.388889 52628.42 1.388889 2.000000 2
4 4 35.82935 1.545455 40456.14 1.136364 1.000000 2
plot(jitter(as.numeric(seg.df$gender)) ~
col=seg.hc.segment, yaxt="n", xaxt="n", ylab="", xlab="")
axis(1, at=c(1, 2), labels=c("Subscribe: No", "Subscribe: Yes"))
axis(2, at=c(1, 2), labels=levels(seg.df$gender))
Not really … subscribers are men and women. Time to iterate!
K-means attempts to find K groups, such that the sum of squared distances for points within clusters are minimized with respect to the cluster center.
To compute this, K-means requires numeric input and a specified number of clusters. We first convert our factor variables to numeric (arguably OK because they're binary):
seg.df.num <- seg.df
seg.df.num$gender <- ifelse(seg.df$gender=="Male", 0, 1)
seg.df.num$ownHome <- ifelse(seg.df$ownHome=="ownNo", 0, 1)
seg.df.num$subscribe <- ifelse(seg.df$subscribe=="subNo", 0, 1)
age gender income kids
Min. :19.26 Min. :0.0000 Min. : -5183 Min. :0.00
1st Qu.:33.01 1st Qu.:0.0000 1st Qu.: 39656 1st Qu.:0.00
Median :39.49 Median :1.0000 Median : 52014 Median :1.00
Mean :41.20 Mean :0.5233 Mean : 50937 Mean :1.27
3rd Qu.:47.90 3rd Qu.:1.0000 3rd Qu.: 61403 3rd Qu.:2.00
Max. :80.49 Max. :1.0000 Max. :114278 Max. :7.00
ownHome subscribe
Min. :0.00 Min. :0.0000
1st Qu.:0.00 1st Qu.:0.0000
Median :0.00 Median :0.0000
Mean :0.47 Mean :0.1333
3rd Qu.:1.00 3rd Qu.:0.0000
Max. :1.00 Max. :1.0000
We try K=4 groups:
set.seed(96743) # because starting assignments are random
seg.k <- kmeans(seg.df.num, centers=4)
And examine the quick comparison:
seg.summ(seg.df, seg.k$cluster)
Group.1 age gender income kids ownHome subscribe
1 1 56.37245 1.428571 92287.07 0.4285714 1.857143 1.142857
2 2 29.58704 1.571429 21631.79 1.0634921 1.301587 1.158730
3 3 44.42051 1.452632 64703.76 1.2947368 1.421053 1.073684
4 4 42.08381 1.454545 48208.86 1.5041322 1.528926 1.165289
It appears potentially more interesting than the hclust
“men and women” solution we saw previously.
In the model object, ...$cluster
holds the class assignments. We can use that as the IV for plotting:
boxplot(seg.df.num$income ~ seg.k$cluster,
xlab="Income", ylab="Segment", horizontal=TRUE)
A clusplot
plots the observations vs. first 2 principal components, grouped by cluster:
clusplot(seg.df, seg.k$cluster, color=TRUE, shade=TRUE,
labels=4, lines=0, main="K-means cluster plot")
Model-based clustering (mixture modeling) assumes that observations are mixed from populations with different distributions of the basis variables (i.e., different means and variances).
is one package to find such models (flexmix
is another). The data must be numeric. Unlike hclust
and kmeans
, mclust
suggests the number of groups, based on fit statistics.
library(mclust) <- Mclust(seg.df.num) # use all defaults
Gaussian finite mixture model fitted by EM algorithm
Mclust EVE (ellipsoidal, equal volume and orientation) model with 2 components:
log.likelihood n df BIC ICL
-5197.499 300 39 -10617.45 -10636.59
Clustering table:
1 2
247 53
We can force mclust
to find other numbers of clusters:
seg.mc4 <- Mclust(seg.df.num, G=4) # 4 clusters
Gaussian finite mixture model fitted by EM algorithm
Mclust EVE (ellipsoidal, equal volume and orientation) model with 4 components:
log.likelihood n df BIC ICL
-5325.941 300 63 -11011.22 -11127.95
Clustering table:
1 2 3 4
64 54 163 19
Compare the 2-cluster and 4-cluster solutions:
BIC(, seg.mc4)
df BIC 39 1281140
seg.mc4 63 1281276
Group.1 age gender income kids ownHome subscribe
1 1 40.17283 1.485830 52653.51 1.3400810 1.449393 1.000000
2 2 45.98504 1.433962 42934.79 0.9433962 1.566038 1.754717
A primary differentiator appears to be subscription status. Group 1 is non-subscribers, with lower average age and higher income. They might be good targets for a campaign, depending on the business goal.
(Note: Mclust results tend to change from version to version. The results here differ from older versions shown in the textbook. There is no absolute “right” answer for many questions of this kind!)
clusplot(seg.df,$class, color=TRUE, shade=TRUE,
labels=4, lines=0, main="Model-based cluster plot")
Polytomous latent class analysis attempts to find mixture membership (latent classes) using only categorical data.
To illustrate, we create a data frame with sliced versions of continuous variables converted to factors:
seg.df.cut <- seg.df
seg.df.cut$age <- factor(ifelse(seg.df$age < median(seg.df$age),
"LessAge", "MoreAge"))
seg.df.cut$income <- factor(ifelse(seg.df$income < median(seg.df$income),
"LessInc", "MoreInc"))
seg.df.cut$kids <- factor(ifelse(seg.df$kids < median(seg.df$kids),
"FewKids", "MoreKids"))
age gender income kids ownHome
LessAge:150 Female:157 LessInc:150 FewKids :121 ownNo :159
MoreAge:150 Male :143 MoreInc:150 MoreKids:179 ownYes:141
subNo :260
subYes: 40
Note factor level alphabetization; consider ordinal levels if relevent.
For simplicity, we create a reusable model formula:
seg.f <- with(seg.df.cut,
cbind(age, gender, income, kids, ownHome, subscribe)~1)
Then fit 3- and 4-group models:
seg.LCA3 <- poLCA(seg.f, data=seg.df.cut, nclass=3)
seg.LCA4 <- poLCA(seg.f, data=seg.df.cut, nclass=4)
Check the model fits:
[1] 2330.043
[1] 2298.767
The 3-group model had stronger fit. But is it more useful?
The 3 groups are relatively well differentiated:
seg.summ(seg.df, seg.LCA3$predclass)
Group.1 age gender income kids ownHome subscribe
1 1 28.22385 1.685714 30075.32 1.1285714 1.285714 1.271429
2 2 54.44407 1.576923 60082.47 0.3846154 1.769231 1.105769
3 3 37.47652 1.277778 54977.08 2.0793651 1.325397 1.079365
clusplot(seg.df, seg.LCA3$predclass, color=TRUE, shade=TRUE,
labels=4, lines=0, main="LCA plot (K=3)")
The 4 group solution is less clear, with one group showing complete overlap on first 2 components:
seg.summ(seg.df, seg.LCA4$predclass)
Group.1 age gender income kids ownHome subscribe
1 1 36.62554 1.349593 52080.13 2.1951220 1.349593 1.113821
2 2 53.64073 1.535714 60534.17 0.5178571 1.785714 1.098214
3 3 30.22575 1.050000 41361.81 0.0000000 1.350000 1.000000
4 4 27.61506 1.866667 28178.70 1.1777778 1.066667 1.333333
clusplot(seg.df, seg.LCA4$predclass, color=TRUE, shade=TRUE,
labels=4, lines=0, main="LCA plot (K=4)")
Given two assignment vectors, it's not obvious which categories should match to one another. Function mapClass
finds the highest correspondence:
mapClass(seg.LCA3$predclass, seg.LCA4$predclass)
[1] 4
[1] 2
[1] 1
[1] 3
[1] 2
[1] 1
[1] 1
The adjusted Rand index is the degree of agreement between two class assignment vectors, where 1.0 indicates perfect agreement:
adjustedRandIndex(seg.LCA3$predclass, seg.LCA4$predclass)
[1] 0.7288822
We could compare this to purely random assignment:
set.seed(11021) <- sample(4, length(seg.LCA4$predclass), replace=TRUE)
adjustedRandIndex(, seg.LCA4$predclass)
[1] 0.002292031
… and to known segments from the original data:
adjustedRandIndex(seg.raw$Segment, seg.LCA4$predclass)
[1] 0.3513031
Next we'll examine classification methods. Whereas clustering has a lot of “art” in determining when a solution is useful, classification tends to emphasize the “science” of predicting and generalizing.
Classification concerns assigning observations to a predefined set of groups. For example, we might wish to assign potential customers to higher- or lower-value prospects … or more generally, assign members of the overall population to a set of customer segments.
Classification can also assign customers to categories reflecting observed behavior, such as “purchasers.” It is one form of predictive modeling.
General steps in classification are:
The naive Bayes method is simple yet powerful. It uses Bayes's Rule to find the odds of class membership based on the conditional probabilities of predictor variables (assumed to be independent, thus “naive”).
More specifically, it computes conditional probabilities in the training data. The resulting model can then predict group membership probabilities for new observations (given the same predictors).
First we divide data into training and test cases:
set.seed(04625) # make it repeatable
train.prop <- 0.65 # train on 65% of data. Hold 35% for testing
train.cases <- sample(nrow(seg.raw), nrow(seg.raw)*train.prop)
seg.df.train <- seg.raw[ train.cases, ]
seg.df.test <- seg.raw[-train.cases, ]
We fit the model to training data:
seg.nb <- naiveBayes(Segment ~ ., data=seg.df.train)
… and predict membership expected in the test (holdout) data:
seg.nb.class <- predict(seg.nb, seg.df.test)
Moving up Suburb mix Travelers Urban hip
0.2285714 0.3047619 0.3428571 0.1238095
clusplot(seg.df.test[, -7], seg.nb.class, color=TRUE, shade=TRUE,
labels=4, lines=0,
main="Naive Bayes classification, holdout data")
We could compare the proportion of correct assignments:
mean(seg.df.test$Segment==seg.nb.class) # raw correct proportion
[1] 0.8
… but better is to assess vs. chance assignment. (If one group is very large, we can't say a model is good just because it mostly predicts that group.)
adjustedRandIndex(seg.nb.class, seg.df.test$Segment)
[1] 0.5626787
Even better would be a weighted payoff matrix, taking into account the value of correct positive and negative predictions. That depends on the business application (such as cost of targeting vs. margin from a success).
Another way to do classification is with a decision tree: find an optimal decision path to predict the outcomes. A random forest model generalizes this to use many trees – fitting different predictors and observations – that “vote” on classification.
Like naive Bayes classifiers, Random forests are simple and easy to use, yet often perform well.
We fit a random forest with 3000 individual trees, on the training data:
seg.rf <- randomForest(Segment ~ ., data=seg.df.train, ntree=3000)
A simple inspection of the model shows key results:
randomForest(formula = Segment ~ ., data = seg.df.train, ntree = 3000)
Type of random forest: classification
Number of trees: 3000
No. of variables tried at each split: 2
OOB estimate of error rate: 24.1%
Confusion matrix:
Moving up Suburb mix Travelers Urban hip class.error
Moving up 29 19 0 1 0.40816327
Suburb mix 20 35 3 1 0.40677966
Travelers 0 3 48 0 0.05882353
Urban hip 0 0 0 36 0.00000000
It includes initial performance tests on holout data (from the training data), and was correct 76% of the time. It was best for Urban hip, with more error for Moving up & Suburb mix.
Concern about error rates depends on interest in the segments.
Apply the random forest to the test data:
seg.rf.class <- predict(seg.rf, seg.df.test)
clusplot(seg.df.test[, -7], seg.rf.class, color=TRUE, shade=TRUE,
labels=4, lines=0, main="Random Forest classes, test data")
The predictions optionally include odds for each observation:
seg.rf.class.all <- predict(seg.rf, seg.df.test, predict.all=TRUE)
# odds for first five test cases (divide votes by 3000 trees)
apply(seg.rf.class.all$individual[1:5, ], 1, table) / 3000
2 3 4 6 7
Moving up 0.42066667 0.076333333 0.1886667 0.1223333 0.217
Suburb mix 0.47266667 0.485000000 0.6930000 0.8526667 0.340
Travelers 0.02966667 0.436333333 0.1173333 0.0240000 0.050
Urban hip 0.07700000 0.002333333 0.0010000 0.0010000 0.393
Suppose you are interested to target one segment. If targeting cost is high, you might target only the subset with the highest odds.
OTOH, if targeting cost is low (relative to payoff), you might target customers assigned to other segments, who have some chance of being in the target segment. For example, if you're targeting Moving up, you might want to target respondent #2, even though she is slightly more likely to be Suburb mix.
Random forests can cleverly assess importance of predictors: randomize (permute) a predictor's data and see whether predictions get worse.
seg.rf <- randomForest(Segment ~ ., data=seg.df.train,
ntree=3000, importance=TRUE)
# importance(seg.rf) # omitted: the actual metrics
varImpPlot(seg.rf, main="Variable importance by segment")
Importance might be used (e.g.) to determine which variables are “must collect” for a project:
heatmap.2(t(importance(seg.rf)[ , 1:4]), key=FALSE,
col=brewer.pal(9, "Blues"),
dend="none", trace="none", margins=c(10, 10),
main="Var. importance by segment" )
Who is most likely to subscribe to our service? Can we predict that, given other information? Can we find out which individuals are best to target?
In real application, you would do #3 with new data. For demonstration purposes we'll use the holdout test data.
We form training and test (holdout) data sets:
train.prop <- 0.65
train.cases <- sample(nrow(seg.df), nrow(seg.df)*train.prop)
sub.df.train <- seg.raw[ train.cases, ]
sub.df.test <- seg.raw[-train.cases, ]
age gender income kids
Min. :20.71 Female:105 Min. : -5183 Min. :0.000
1st Qu.:33.16 Male : 90 1st Qu.: 40556 1st Qu.:0.000
Median :39.09 Median : 51413 Median :1.000
Mean :41.40 Mean : 50322 Mean :1.308
3rd Qu.:47.55 3rd Qu.: 60974 3rd Qu.:2.000
Max. :80.49 Max. :106430 Max. :7.000
ownHome subscribe Segment
ownNo :103 subNo :170 Moving up :51
ownYes: 92 subYes: 25 Suburb mix:62
Travelers :54
Urban hip :28
Subscribers are not well differentiated (by first 2 principal components). This suggests our problem may be difficult.
clusplot(sub.df.train[, -6], sub.df.train$subscribe, color=TRUE,
shade=TRUE, labels=4, lines=0, main="Status, training data")
(sub.rf <- randomForest(subscribe ~ ., data=sub.df.train, ntree=3000))
randomForest(formula = subscribe ~ ., data = sub.df.train, ntree = 3000)
Type of random forest: classification
Number of trees: 3000
No. of variables tried at each split: 2
OOB estimate of error rate: 14.87%
Confusion matrix:
subNo subYes class.error
subNo 166 4 0.02352941
subYes 25 0 1.00000000
Error rate is low … but looking at the confusion matrix, no subscribers were correctly identified!
So, for our business question, this may not be a useful model (it predicts almost all “won't subscribe”).
With few subscribers in the training data, the algorithm achieves low error rates simply by predicting “non-subscriber”. This is known as the class imbalance problem.
We can force balanced classes by explicitly setting per-tree sample sizes for classes. Overall error goes up, but goes down for subscribers:
(sub.rf <- randomForest(subscribe ~ ., data=sub.df.train, ntree=3000,
sampsize=c(25, 25)) ) # balanced classes
randomForest(formula = subscribe ~ ., data = sub.df.train, ntree = 3000, sampsize = c(25, 25))
Type of random forest: classification
Number of trees: 3000
No. of variables tried at each split: 2
OOB estimate of error rate: 30.77%
Confusion matrix:
subNo subYes class.error
subNo 127 43 0.2529412
subYes 17 8 0.6800000
We get predictions for both classes using predict.all
sub.rf.sub <- predict(sub.rf, sub.df.test, predict.all=TRUE)
# Not in book:
# Get the proportion within respondent for the two classes,
# using table and prop.table apply()'d to each respondents.
# Then get just the row with predictons for subscribers ("subYes")
sub.ind.p <- apply(sub.rf.sub$individual, 1,
function(x) prop.table(table(x)))["subYes", ]
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.1253 0.3050 0.4043 0.3928 0.4553 0.7853
We can plot the likelihood of subscribing:
plot(sub.ind.p, xlab="Holdout respondent", ylab="Likelihood")
We can target respondents by likelihood, relative to value of subscribing.
Finding likelihoods with a model does not answer it will work; checking with holdout data is necessary. (Ideally also check in a new sample).
Compare subscription rates in holdout data, for likelihood \( \ge \) 0.5 vs. lower:
table(targeted=sub.ind.p >= 0.5, sub.df.test$subscribe)
targeted subNo subYes
FALSE 79 9
TRUE 11 6
chisq.test(table(sub.ind.p>=0.5, sub.df.test$subscribe))
Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
data: table(sub.ind.p >= 0.5, sub.df.test$subscribe)
X-squared = 5.4073, df = 1, p-value = 0.02005
Segmentation is not a method, but a process that must focus clearly on the business need and question. Sometimes a “better” model is less useful.
Clustering can help identify potentially interesting groups in the data. Appropriateness of a solutions depends on both statistical criteria (fit) and business utility (clarity, ability to target, etc.)
If specific groups are known (e.g., segments or behaviors), classification methods find rules to predict membership in those groups. We saw how to predict likelihood-to-subscribe. Depending on cost & margin, one might target more or fewer customers based on likelihood.
Important considerations for classification include performance on holdout data, generalization to new data sets, and avoiding class imbalance problems.
James, Witten, Hastie, & Tibshirani (2013). An Introduction to Statistical Learning, with Applications in R. New York: Springer.
Kuhn & Johnson (2013). Applied Predictive Modeling. New York: Springer.
Wedel & Kamakura (2000). Market Segmentation: Conceptual and Methodological Foundations. New York: Springer.
This presentation is based on Chapter 11 of Chapman and Feit, R for Marketing Research and Analytics © 2015 Springer.
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