Chris Chapman (Chrome OS) & Eric Bahna (Android Auto), Google
July 10, 2019
Slides: [2 Romeo Oscar 51 foxtrot quebec]
packagePackage: In development, v 0.9073
In a Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC) survey, respondents choose among products. A product has attributes such as brand, features, and price, and levels, such as brand names and specific prices.
We imagine a USB flash drive with five attributes. Each attribute has 2-5 levels (brand name, price, etc.)
cbc.attrs <- c(Brand=4, Style=4, Price=5, Color=2, Size=4)
cbc.levels <- c("Alpha", "Bravo", "Charlie", "Delta", # Brand
"Shiny", "Flat", "Sparkly", "Odd", # Style
"$9", "$14", "$19", "$24", "$29", # Price
"Blue", "Red", # Color
"64GB", "256GB", "512GB", "1TB") # Size
Given choices among products with randomized attributes, we can model the contribution of each feature (multinomial/conditional logit model). Conceptually:
Each respondent answers multiple choices (tasks). We set up the study to ask 12 choices with 3 products on each. The randomized design matrix will have N=400 versions of the 12-task survey:
cbc.tasks <- 12 # trials per respondent
cbc.concepts <- 3 # cards per trial
N <- 400 # N of respondents
Levels should appear roughly the same number of times with every
other level. generateMNLrandomTab()
does so: <- generateMNLrandomTab(cbc.attrs, respondents=N,
cards=cbc.concepts, trials=cbc.tasks )
#> Searching for a balanced design ...
#> Improved design found on trial: 8 SSE = 7.375579e-05
#> Improved design found on trial: 17 SSE = 5.564236e-05
#> Improved design found on trial: 35 SSE = 5.005787e-05
#> Improved design found on trial: 37 SSE = 4.819637e-05
#> Improved design found on trial: 47 SSE = 4.241898e-05
knitr::kable(head(, 3)) # first choice trial, 3 products
Brand | Style | Price | Color | Size |
2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 4 |
3 | 1 | 5 | 2 | 1 |
(Usually design comes from a survey authoring platform.)
We can convert the layout to a dummy coded matrix:
cbc.des <- convertSSItoDesign( # dummy coded matrix
knitr::kable(head(cbc.des, 3))
Brand-1 | Brand-2 | Brand-3 | Brand-4 | Style-1 | Style-2 | Style-3 | Style-4 | Price-1 | Price-2 | Price-3 | Price-4 | Price-5 | Color-1 | Color-2 | Size-1 | Size-2 | Size-3 | Size-4 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
The first product (first row) has Brand 2, Style 3, Price level 2, and so forth.
Given a design, writeCBCdesignCSV()
produces a
minimal “survey” in CSV format. This is easy to use in a classroom.
To ensure CSV data match the design, digest
(Eddelbuettel et al, 2018)
adds a hash value for the design.
writeCBCdesignCSV(head(, 3), cards=cbc.concepts, trials=1,
attr.list=cbc.attrs, lab.attrs=names(cbc.attrs),
lab.levels = cbc.levels)
#> ##############################
#> CBC response file for design: 1d029ebfab00967d76d9a00dad28dc43
#> ##############################
#> Respondent 1
#> TRIAL: 1
#> 1 2 3
#> Brand: Bravo Alpha Charlie
#> Style: Sparkly Flat Shiny
#> Price: $14 $19 $29
#> Color: Red Blue Red
#> Size: 256GB 1TB 64GB
#> CHOICE for Trial 1:
The simplest model is a multinomial logit (MNL). Coefficients are
part worths, which sum to 0 across attribute levels.
simulates a single vector of part worths
finds a winner for each task:
cbc.pws <- generateRNDpws(cbc.attrs) # make up some zero-sum part worths <- pickMNLwinningCards(cbc.des, cbc.pws) # winning cards with them
#> Processing trial: 2000
#> Processing trial: 4000
knitr::kable(head(cbind(, cbc.des), 3)) | Brand-1 | Brand-2 | Brand-3 | Brand-4 | Style-1 | Style-2 | Style-3 | Style-4 | Price-1 | Price-2 | Price-3 | Price-4 | Price-5 | Color-1 | Color-2 | Size-1 | Size-2 | Size-3 | Size-4 |
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
In this task the 3rd concept (Brand 3, etc.) is preferred and selected (
The MNL model estimates preference for a product as proportional to the sum of the utility values for its features. Preference for A vs. B is the proportion of total utility represented by A:
Utility is the exponentiated sum of the features' part worth coefficients, i.e., a product's logit value:
(For simplicity, we omit intercepts and error terms.)
Estimate part worths based on “observed” choices, and plot them vs. original values. There is near perfect recovery:
cbc.mnl <- estimateMNLfromDesign(cbc.des,, cards=cbc.concepts)
plot(cbc.pws, cbc.mnl)
It is more interesting to collect real data. Usually one would use survey authoring tools such as Sawtooth Software or Qualtrics. These platforms display CBC tasks in a suitable format for respondents.
For this vignette, we write out a CSV file. We later read the data as if responses had been given there.
csv.filename <- "~/Downloads/testCBC.csv"
writeCBCdesignCSV(, filename=csv.filename, # file "" for console
cards=cbc.concepts, trials=cbc.tasks,
attr.list=cbc.attrs, lab.attrs=names(cbc.attrs),
lab.levels = cbc.levels, overwrite=TRUE)
If respondents had filled in choices, we could estimate the MNL model. Instead, we make random choices and rewrite the CSV:
# read the CSV <- readLines(csv.filename)
# make random choices (1, 2, or 3)
lines.with.choices <- which(grepl("CHOICE for Trial [0-9]+",[lines.with.choices] <- paste([lines.with.choices],
replace = TRUE))
writeLines(, con=csv.filename)
Read the CSV using readCBCchoices()
, including the
design matrix (
# get those choices
cbc.choices <- readCBCchoices(, filename=csv.filename,
cards=cbc.concepts, trials=cbc.tasks,
estimates part worths. It is mainly for teaching
and uses gradient descent. HB (next slide) is for production. For
random data, part worths do not correspond to original values:
cbc.mnl2 <- estimateMNLfromDesign(cbc.des, cbc.choices, cards=cbc.concepts, no.output = TRUE)
plot(cbc.pws, cbc.mnl2); abline(h=0)
Hierachical Bayes (HB) estimates a mixed effects model. The upper level has fixed effects, while the lower level gives random effects for each respondent.
To estimate HB, use estimateMNLfromDesignHB()
. It is a wrapper that
calls ChoiceModelR::choicemodelr()
(Sermas, 2012). HB uses MCMC iteration; for demonstration,
we specify a chain with length 2000. In practice, this would typically be 10000s.
includes common HB options:
# replace 30% of the perfect "winning" vector with random draws
cbc.win2 <-
cbc.replace <- sample(length(cbc.win2), length(cbc.win2)*0.3) # to replace
cbc.win2[cbc.replace] <- sample(3, length(cbc.replace), replace=TRUE)
# estimate using the design and winning cards
cbc.hb <- estimateMNLfromDesignHB(,,
kCards=cbc.concepts, kTrials=cbc.tasks,
kResp=N , mcmcIters=2000)
#> Logit Data
#> ==================================================
#> Attribute Type Levels
#> -----------------------------------
#> Attribute 1 Part Worth 4
#> Attribute 2 Part Worth 4
#> Attribute 3 Part Worth 5
#> Attribute 4 Part Worth 2
#> Attribute 5 Part Worth 4
#> 14 parameters to be estimated.
#> 400 total units.
#> Average of 3 alternatives in each of 12 sets per unit.
#> 4800 tasks in total.
#> Table of choice data pooled across units:
#> Choice Count Pct.
#> --------------------
#> 1 972 20.25%
#> 2 1599 33.31%
#> 3 2229 46.44%
#> MCMC Inference for Hierarchical Logit
#> ==================================================
#> Total Iterations: 2000
#> Draws used in estimation: 1000
#> Units: 400
#> Parameters per unit: 14
#> Constraints not in effect.
#> Draws are to be saved.
#> Prior degrees of freedom: 5
#> Prior variance: 2
#> MCMC Iteration Beginning...
#> Iteration Acceptance RLH Pct. Cert. Avg. Var. RMS
#> Time to End
#> 100 0.362 0.380 0.114 0.16 0.25 0:09
#> 200 0.303 0.429 0.224 0.30 0.50 0:09
#> 300 0.306 0.453 0.277 0.40 0.65 0:08
#> 400 0.300 0.467 0.306 0.48 0.75 0:07
#> 500 0.306 0.472 0.317 0.52 0.80 0:07
#> 600 0.306 0.475 0.323 0.57 0.84 0:06
#> 700 0.304 0.478 0.329 0.59 0.86 0:06
#> 800 0.308 0.481 0.334 0.61 0.87 0:05
#> 900 0.303 0.479 0.331 0.61 0.87 0:05
#> 1000 0.303 0.481 0.333 0.61 0.89 0:04
#> 1100 0.302 0.480 0.332 0.59 0.88 0:04
#> 1200 0.300 0.480 0.332 0.60 0.88 0:03
#> 1300 0.299 0.478 0.328 0.61 0.87 0:03
#> 1400 0.302 0.478 0.328 0.60 0.87 0:03
#> 1500 0.304 0.480 0.332 0.61 0.88 0:02
#> 1600 0.297 0.478 0.328 0.60 0.87 0:02
#> 1700 0.299 0.476 0.323 0.58 0.85 0:01
#> 1800 0.307 0.474 0.321 0.56 0.84 0:01
#> 1900 0.308 0.477 0.327 0.56 0.84 0:00
#> 2000 0.305 0.478 0.327 0.57 0.84 0:00
#> Total Time Elapsed: 0:09
#> Writing estimated unit-level betas to Rbetas.csv in the working directory
Estimates may be
extracted from the HB model with extractHBbetas()
(and we add respondent
cbc.est <- data.frame(extractHBbetas(cbc.hb, cbc.attrs))
names(cbc.est) <- cbc.levels
cbc.est$ID <- 1:nrow(cbc.est) # set respondent ID
# mean of MCMC chain per individual
#> Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Shiny Flat
#> 1 -0.4997400 -0.68652143 0.4198542 0.76640724 -0.5983791 -0.534706669
#> 2 -0.2927157 -0.38988933 0.5871751 0.09542995 0.3158654 -0.287247328
#> 3 -1.4966944 0.32503856 1.4698404 -0.29818457 0.1632377 -0.206093768
#> 4 -0.8882575 -0.04936736 0.8446392 0.09298558 1.0793851 -1.134929988
#> 5 -0.4101659 -1.01777366 0.9038024 0.52413712 0.1865601 -0.599280419
#> 6 -0.2664094 -0.66078766 0.3958085 0.53138856 0.1548074 -0.003601601
#> Sparkly Odd $9 $14 $19 $24
#> 1 1.9313875 -0.79830174 -0.01871368 1.7422740 -1.1538048 0.4764291
#> 2 1.3424898 -1.37110790 0.39612222 1.4830933 -1.1347539 -0.1371388
#> 3 0.5353565 -0.49250051 -0.75974943 0.5904404 0.3789250 -0.9212234
#> 4 0.3079874 -0.25244245 -0.48370356 0.6257977 -0.5677943 0.6909679
#> 5 0.5088712 -0.09615084 -0.29313176 -0.7557123 -0.2117941 1.2288428
#> 6 0.1970143 -0.34822007 -0.40228457 0.7168540 -0.9230615 0.5014125
#> $29 Blue Red 64GB 256GB 512GB
#> 1 -1.04618465 -0.4316321 0.4316321 0.5124843 -0.3821001 -0.42334567
#> 2 -0.60732272 -0.9769510 0.9769510 0.9684142 -0.3010086 -0.85703427
#> 3 0.71160741 -0.6302464 0.6302464 0.6959751 -0.3620261 -0.04441025
#> 4 -0.26526781 -0.3799779 0.3799779 0.3444515 -0.6725858 -0.20206752
#> 5 0.03179532 -0.1376253 0.1376253 -0.2521733 -0.1732746 -0.04664018
#> 6 0.10707963 -0.6193282 0.6193282 0.6857107 -0.4190226 -0.94944218
#> 1TB ID
#> 1 0.2929615 1
#> 2 0.1896287 2
#> 3 -0.2895388 3
#> 4 0.5302019 4
#> 5 0.4720881 5
#> 6 0.6827541 6
It is helpful to plot individuals' estimates, as this is informative about
the variation in preferences for features. ggridges
works well (next slide):
cbc.m <- melt(cbc.est, id.vars = "ID")
ggplot(data=cbc.m, aes(x=value, y=variable, group=variable)) +
geom_density_ridges(scale=0.9, alpha=0, jittered_points=TRUE,
point_color = "blue", point_alpha=1/sqrt(N),
point_size=2.5) +
ylab("Attribute / Level") +
xlab("Relative preference (blue circles=individuals)")
Because we are using simulated data, these will be Guassian. In real data, you might see other patterns such as bimodal distributions.
Share of preference (aka “market share”) may be estimated using
the marketSim()
function. Compare:
prod1 <- c(6, 16, 14, 9, 1) # attribute cols: Flat 64GB Blue $9 Alpha
prod2 <- c(8, 19, 15, 12, 2) # attribute cols: Odd 1TB Red $24 Bravo
usb.pref <- marketSim(
cbc.est, # matrix of individual-level utilities
list(prod1, prod2), # list of products to compare
use.none=FALSE, # we have no "none" column
style="first") # estimate share by first-choice approach
# see the overall preference share for the two products
#> [1] 0.2275 0.7725
Between these two products, we estimate 77% of respondents would prefer product 2, the $24 flat 1TB drive from Bravo.
To use this package in class:
In class, individual level plots lead to interesting discussion. They demonstrate that the method may “work” with surprisingly small samples.
See Chapter 13 for CBC with mlogit
and hierarchical Bayes.
includes support for other features of CBC
models and related marketing analyses beyond this vignette:
Method | Intended Usage | Notes |
CBC: Experimental Design | Didactic | Sawtooth Software recommended |
CBC: Aggregate Logit | Didactic | Simple gradient method implemented |
CBC: Hierarchical Bayes | Production | Uses ChoiceModelR (Sermas, 2012) |
CBC: Attribute importance | Experimental | |
CBC: Preference Share | Production | MNL share, randomized first choice, etc. |
MaxDiff: Import Qualtrics/Sawtooth | Production | Import Data and Design Matrices* |
MaxDiff: Aggregate Logit | Production | Uses mlogit (Croissant, 2019) |
MaxDiff: Hierarchical Bayes | Production | Uses ChoiceModelR for estimation |
MaxDiff: Data Augmentation | Production | cf. Bahna & Chapman (2018) |
CPM: Composite Perceptual Map | Production | Useful, if unrelated to choice models |
* Import from Qualtrics requires careful survey creation and data export. Contact authors for details (to be added to package documentation).
Thank you! + References 1
Thank you! + References 2