choicetools: a package for conjoint analysis and best-worst surveys

Chris Chapman (Chrome OS) & Eric Bahna (Android Auto), Google
July 10, 2019

Slides: [2 Romeo Oscar 51 foxtrot quebec]


  • Basics of Conjoint Analysis surveys for product preference
  • Creating a survey and example data
  • Modeling respondents' preferences
  • Additional features in choicetools package

Package: In development, v 0.9073


Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis

In a Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC) survey, respondents choose among products. A product has attributes such as brand, features, and price, and levels, such as brand names and specific prices.

CBC question

Hypothetical Product: USB Drive

We imagine a USB flash drive with five attributes. Each attribute has 2-5 levels (brand name, price, etc.)

cbc.attrs     <- c(Brand=4, Style=4, Price=5, Color=2, Size=4)
cbc.levels    <- c("Alpha", "Bravo", "Charlie", "Delta",    # Brand
                   "Shiny", "Flat",  "Sparkly", "Odd",      # Style
                   "$9",  "$14",  "$19",  "$24",  "$29",    # Price
                   "Blue",  "Red",                          # Color
                   "64GB", "256GB", "512GB", "1TB")         # Size

Given choices among products with randomized attributes, we can model the contribution of each feature (multinomial/conditional logit model). Conceptually:



Intended Usage of Key Features

Method Intended Usage Notes
CBC: Experimental Design Didactic Sawtooth Software recommended
CBC: Aggregate Logit Didactic Simple gradient method implemented
CBC: Hierarchical Bayes Production Uses ChoiceModelR (Sermas, 2012)
CBC: Attribute importance Experimental
CBC: Preference Share Production MNL share, randomized first choice, etc.
MaxDiff: Import Qualtrics/Sawtooth Production Import Data and Design Matrices*
MaxDiff: Aggregate Logit Production Uses mlogit (Croissant, 2019)
MaxDiff: Hierarchical Bayes Production Uses ChoiceModelR for estimation
MaxDiff: Data Augmentation Production cf. Bahna & Chapman (2018)
CPM: Composite Perceptual Map Production Useful, if unrelated to choice models

* Import from Qualtrics requires careful survey creation and data export. Contact authors for details (to be added to package documentation).

Thank you! + References 1

  • Bahna, E., and Chapman, CN (2018). Constructed, Augmented MaxDiff. In B. Orme, ed., Proc 2018 Sawtooth Software Conference.
  • Chapman, CN, and Feit, EMF (2019). R for Marketing Research and Analytics, 2nd ed. Chapter 13: Choice Modeling. New York: Springer.
  • Chapman, CN, & Alford, JL (2010). Product portfolio evaluation using choice modeling and genetic algorithms. In B. Orme, ed., Proc 2010 Sawtooth Software Conference.
  • Croissant, Y (2019). mlogit: Multinomial Logit Models. R package v 0.4-1.
  • Eddelbuettel, D; with A Lucas, J Tuszynski, H Bengtsson, S Urbanek, M Frasca, B Lewis, M Stokely, H Muehleisen, D Murdoch, J Hester, W Wu, Q Kou, T Onkelinx, Ml Lang, V Simko, K Hornik and R Neal. (2018). digest. R package v 0.6.18.

Thank you! + References 2

